The US healthcare system is well developed and stable. In terms of the effectiveness of medical services, it holds one of the leading positions in the world market. Patients who choose treatment in the USA receive highly accurate diagnostics and effective treatment.
The state of the country actively supports the healthcare system: scientific research is being carried out, priority areas of medicine are being developed, and advanced technologies are being introduced. America’s medicine has reached a high level of development, which attracts a flow of medical tourists.
The country has public and private hospitals. At the same time, American medical institutions are well equipped, but the cost of treatment in them is high. The technical equipment of American clinics is at the highest level. All medicine in the country is based on progressive developments and technologies. US clinics use the most modern equipment and the latest pharmacology, which has a gentle effect on the body. All this is actively supported by the government.
Examination programs are selected individually and include both traditional and advanced methods, including:
Diagnostics in the USA give highly accurate results and allows you to create an effective treatment program.
This direction is highly developed in the country. Cancer treatment in America is one of the best in terms of research and recovery rates. Even if the patient turned to the clinic too late, there are ways to extend the life of a person as much as possible.
The USA produces chemotherapy drugs that are used in clinics around the world. American oncologists have achieved success in the treatment of brain tumors using stereotactic radiosurgery (cyber-knife, gamma-knife), which is a cowless technique. The treatment is carried out with high precision, without damaging healthy organs and tissues. It is worth noting that America was the first to use proton therapy in oncology. The technique is unique, it allows you to direct the proton beam precisely to cancer cells, without injuring healthy cells.
Cancer treatment is not complete without nanotechnology, and America has also succeeded in this area. The discovery of nanoparticles belongs to American scientists. Recently, nanotechnologies have been successfully used in the treatment of breast cancer.
The nano-knife is a revolutionary invention that is indispensable for cancer treatment in the USA. The impact of the nano-knife is accurate and strictly dosed, practically does not cause side effects and is used to treat tumors in hard-to-reach places.
American surgeons perform a huge number of heart surgeries. American cardiac surgeons were the first in the world to perform a heart transplant. Cardiology treatment in the United States is based on minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment methods, the use of robotic technology. The clinics successfully undergo prosthetic heart valves, angioplasty, cardiac catheterization, treatment of arrhythmias and other complex procedures, after which patients quickly recover.
Neurosurgery treatment involves progressive methods, developments and research. American neurosurgeons are known worldwide for their achievements and successful treatment of patients who were recognized as terminally ill in their homeland.
The modern techniques used in neurosurgery include:
American companies are manufacturers of endoprostheses for the joints, as well as for the spine, so patients from different countries come to American clinics for the treatment of congenital pathologies of the spine, herniated discs, joint diseases, and sports injuries by arthroplasty. These and other diseases are successfully treated with the help of modern equipment, advanced techniques and properly designed rehabilitation.
Surgical treatment of oncology, gynecology, diseases of the brain, heart and other pathologies is often carried out using robotics. The Da Vinci system allows you to perform precise operations with minimal blood loss. The robotic system is used in all areas of surgery and allows you to remove tumors of any localization. Thanks to the use of robotic surgeons, doctors manage to preserve the reproductive function of women.
Robots are also actively used in bariatric surgery, which helps fight obesity. Specialized clinics in the USA offer a wide range of bariatric surgeries, which are selected individually.
Robotic-assisted thoracotomy has also become widespread. Surgeons have abandoned opening the chest in favor of a thoracotomy, during which operations are performed through small incisions in the skin.
American clinics provide high-level services, patients are guaranteed confidentiality. Ultra-modern equipment is installed here, doctors with great experience and the highest qualifications work, ideal conditions for a comfortable stay are created.
US clinics also specialize in high-quality disease prevention, therefore, the risk of developing complications, infection, and a secondary disease is completely excluded.
Leading US clinics:
American scientists and doctors are among the leaders in the quantity and quality of scientific research. Approximately half of all medicines used in world medicine are developed by American specialists.
Careful training of personnel takes place in the USA, the level of qualification of American doctors is considered one of the highest in the world, specialists from other countries come to the USA for advanced training.
But medical services in this country are very expensive. The cost of treatment in the United States is the highest in the world, it is several times higher than in Europe and the price of treatment in Israel. At the same time, it should be noted that the results of treatment are worth it because US medicine is a leader in the quality of treatment of even the most complex diseases.