Behavioral Health Services
Mental health is a broad area covering the social, emotional and psychological development of children. Through special behavioral health services, students are introduced to concepts related to social skills, peer mediation, character education, citizenship, stress management, and recognition of psychological or emotional needs as part of primary and secondary school curricula and counseling programs. Special programs provide students with information about the recognition of harassment and bullying, as well as signs of suicidal thoughts.
Types of mental health services:
- Individual and group assessment of the state of the psyche and treatment (psychotherapy). Such services may include therapist consultations and are sometimes provided at your primary clinic.
- Psychological testing in the presence of medical indications to assess the mental state.
- Outpatient monitoring services for drug therapy.
- Outpatient services, including laboratory tests, medications and consumables.
- Psychiatric consultation.
Risk factors related to employment
Many risk factors for mental health disorders may be associated with working conditions. Most risk factors are associated with the interaction of such aspects as the type of work, organizational conditions and relationships with management, skills and competencies of employees, measures available at the enterprise to support employees in the performance of their work duties.
For example, an employee may have the necessary skills to complete a task, but lack the resources to do what is required of him, or there may be an unfavorable management style and negative organizational practices in the enterprise.
Examples of mental health risk factors:
- improper measures of occupational hygiene and health protection of employees;
- limited participation in decision-making;
- weak control over your area of work;
- low level of employee support;
- inflexible opening hours;
- unclear tasks or organizational goals.